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“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.”

Jeremy Irons

We have big ideas.

This is all a work in progress, we hatched an idea late September 2022 and here we are. We plan to publish this website, not perfect at first, but will continue to work on it over time. If things need to be fixed, please let us know but be patient. We are two people working full-time at completely unrelated professions.

We don’t have a lot of polished content yet, but will start getting things posted as soon as we can. Ultimately we want to develop a weekly posting schedule on the socials (posts will be similar across platforms).

The newsletter… We have a few ideas on what to provide and how often in a newsletter. It could be a quarterly calendar of upcoming DFW events, it could be a lookahead on our plans, it could be a list of inspirational quotes. Haven’t settled on that yet. If you have feedback, let us know at Ideally it will be something valuable to our viewers that won’t fill up the Inbox. So… Sign up? It will be fun!

Looking Forward

We have a trip to Sid Richardson Scout Ranch and we will fly to Oakridge, TN in December. We are not sure what we are doing for Christmas. We will go to Carlsbad NM in March and may go back late in the summer. Florida is calling…too bad we have to wait until May. Sound fun? Let’s GO!!


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